Kyriazis, A., Ibrahim, M. (2023). “Contextual” as a Prerequisite for “Social”. A Survey-Based Adaptation of a Housing Case Study in Abu Dhabi. In: Faircloth, B., Pedersen Zari, M., Thomsen, M.R., Tamke, M. (eds) Design for Climate Adaptation. UIA 2023. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-36320-7_10


Peca Amaral Gomes, Alexandra, Kyriazis, Apostolos, Schwinger, Peter, Montagne, Clemence and Zhand, Sepehr (2023), “Roads (dis)connecting cities and neighbourhoods: a socio-spatial study of Abu Dhabi”. LSE Middle East Centre Paper Series (80). LSE Middle East Centre, London, UK. https://eprints.lse.ac.uk/121109/?_gl=1*inckwz*_ga*MTMwNzMyMDYzOC4xNjM2OTY3MTY0*_ga_LWTEVFESYX*MTcwMzA0OTk2OC4yMS4wLjE3MDMwNDk5NjguNjAuMC4w

Dova E., Kyriazis A. (2023), «Trans-national efforts to transcend context: A design studio in two (plus one) countries», at : Book of Abstracts, Conference : « Architectural Education and Practice ; International challenges and Greece ». Chania, Crete Technical University Press (p.35). ISBN: 978-618-5558-06-2 at: https://www.archconf2023.tuc.gr/fileadmin/users_data/archconf2023/_uploads/Conference_Book_of_abstracts.pdf

Kyriazis A., Mounajjed N. (2023), Vertical Horizontal: a critical account of high-rise architecture in Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi: Motivate. ISBN: 978-1-86063-560-1 at: https://www.amazon.com/Vertical-Horizontal-Critical-High-Rise-Architecture-ebook/dp/B0BVZVNTKL/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2RYUNADLX79RZ&keywords=kyriazis+vertical&qid=1676910200&s=books&sprefix=kyriazis+vertica%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C249&sr=1-1


Kyriazis A. (2022), Open Space, Open Program: Towards the end of the Curated City, at: Angelucci F., Basti A. (ed.) (2022), Mediterranean Urban Campus for Regeneration at the Dubai 2020 Expo: Urban Open Spaces toward the New Challenges of Adaptivity. Milano: Franco Angeli (pp. 153-162), retrieved from: https://series.francoangeli.it/index.php/oa/catalog/view/904/755/5254

Kyriazis A., Enab D., AlNuaimi R. (2022), Comparing Waterfront Land-Use Dynamics in Abu Dhabi and Dubai: A Quantitative Analysis and Correlation with the Developing Urban Environment, at: Mahbubur M. (ed.) (2022), Handbook of waterfront cities and urbanism (pp. 260-278). New York: Routledge https://www.routledge.com/Handbook-of-Waterfront-Cities-and-Urbanism/Rahman/p/book/9781032067513 and https://www.routledgehandbooks.com/doi/10.1201/9781003204565-18

Lalenis, K., Kalergis, D., Kyriazis, A., & Samourkasidou, E. (2022). The Heritage of Wakfs: Muhammad Ali Pasha’s Imaret in Kavala, Greece, and its Integration in Urban Functions. European Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning, 1(4), 15–25. https://doi.org/10.24018/ejarch.2022.1.4.7


Cohen M., Dubucs H., Clauzel C., Gresillon E., Kyriazis A., Verdir une ville désertique ? Entre politique urbaine, pratiques habitantes et matérialité écologique. Le cas d’Abu Dhabi, Emirats arabes unis. Espace Géographique, 2021, 50 (3-4), pp.136-152. https://hal.science/hal-03326391

Kyriazis A., Magdy I., Benyas A., Almazrouei S. (2021), Transformations of the Emirati housing typologies. A survey on the trending urban condition and cultural clashes, at: ISOCARP (2021), Proceedings of the 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, ISOCARP (pp. 189-204). ISBN/EAN 978-90-75524-69-7 https://dryfta-assets.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/assets/doha2021/eventdocs/1640677973Proceedings.pdf

Motivate (2021), My UAE in Photographs. Abu Dhabi: Motivate ISBN: 978-1-86063-540-3 (participation at photography book)

Kyriazis A. (2021), The desert of post-modernity. At: Luchetti C., Rinella T.A. (2021), Desert: Space, Architecture for emptiness. Palermo: Caracol. ISBN: 978-88-32240-37-5 https://www.abebooks.com/book-search/author/tiziano-aglieri-rinella/

Kyriazis A., Chaveneau C., Dubucs H. (2021), Abu Dhabi public spaces: Urban encounters, social diversity and (in)formality. Abu Dhabi: Motivate ISBN : 978-1-86063-525-0 https://booksarabia.com/abu-dhabi-public-spaces.html

Kyriazis A. (2021) : « Abu Dhabi and the pandemic crisis: COVID-19 response as an opportunity towards a new social condition », at : Ananke, vol.91, pp.43-50 : ISBN 979-12-80178-26-8 https://altralineaedizioni.it/portfolio-item/6228/


Kyriazis A., Mews G., Belpaire E., Aerts J., Malik S. A. (2020) Physical distancing, children and urban health, Cities & Health, DOI: 10.1080/23748834.2020.1809787 , https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23748834.2020.1809787


Kyriazis A., Dubucs H., Chaveneau C., Montagne C., Dilip H., Qamar S., Zahid A., « Behavioral mapping of Abu Dhabi’s public spaces : Urban Research Photography and cultural clashes », at : Sophia, Vol4, issue 1 : Visual changes of space : Unveiling the publicness of urban space through photography and image (p. 75-85). Lisbon : Scopio Editions. ISBN 978-989-54318-8-5  https://www.sophiajournal.net/sophia-4

Kyriazis A., Dubucs H., Chaveneau C., Montagne C., Dilip H., Qamar S., Zahid A., « Behavioral mapping of Abu Dhabi’s public spaces : Urban Research Photography and cultural clashes », in : On the Surface – Photography in Architecture. Visual changes of space : Unveiling the publicness of urban space Conference. Book of Abstracts, May 2019, Lisbon : Scopio Editions: https://www.scopionetwork.com/bookstore/bookofabstracts-2019  

Kyriazis A.,“Fiscal crisis and social cohesion : A case study of 12 city blocks in Volos, Greece.” in: TEE/TKM, 2019, Public Space + (p.39-42), Thessaloniki : Ianos. ISBN : 978-618-5141-59-2

Kyriazis A., « HeraklionX4 », in : TEE/TKM, 2019, Public Space Plus Expo (p. 22), Thessaloniki : Ianos. ISBN : 987-618-84274-0-2

Kyriazis A., Apostolaki M., “The Abu Dhabi waterfront; Evolution, land-use dynamics and the question of the Open City.” In: Mohamed Elkaftangui (ed.), AMPS Proceedings Series 13. Constructing an Urban Future.  Abu Dhabi University, UAE. 18 – 19 March (2018). pp. 49-63. Mohamed Elkaftangui. ISSN 2398-9467: http://architecturemps.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/AMPS-Proceedings-13-Constructing-an-Urban-Future.pdf


Kyriazis A., Zahid A., Qamar S., «A cultural paradox and the double shift of the housing typologies in the Arabic Gulf area: Undergraduate research case studies in Abu Dhabi», at the ARCC-EAAE 2018 international conference Proceedings, Volume 2, pp. 88-96: http://www.arcc-arch.org/arcc-2018-proceedings-architecture-for-a-global-community/

Kyriazis, A. et al. ‘Social Housing as a State-Funded Mega Project: A Case Study from Saudi Arabia.’ Architecture_MPS, 2018, 13(3): 3. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14324/111.444.amps.2018v13i3.001. and https://www.scienceopen.com/document?vid=066b62d2-7c96-4672-b29a-f05afc76a6fc

KyriazisA., A photographic Cross-Section of Cairo and the role of Attaba Square, at : #Robabecciah – The informal City, Catalog of the Egyptian National Pavilion at the 16th Venice Biennale of Architecture 2018, Commissioner : Ministry of Culture – Arab Republic of Egypt (p.41,42): https://www.robabecciah.com/


Kyriazis A., Almehairi A. & Al Seri I. (2017), The Morphology of Abu Dhabi’s Superblocks: A Modernist Vision, at Athens Journal of Architecture, Vol.3, Issue 4. ATINER, Athens Greece (2017) (p.373). e-ISSN: 2407-9472, DOI: 10.30958/aja: http://www.athensjournals.gr/architecture/2017-1-X-Y-Kyriazis.pdf  

Kyriazis A. (2017), Imagination Vs. Pragmatism, at: School of Architecture, Edinburgh University (2017), Postcards from the Anthropocene; Unsettling the geopolitics of representation, Edinburgh University, 2017 (exhibition catalog).


Kyriazis A., Balassis E., Patsavos N. 2016, Housing in the sand and social inertia; A case study from Saudi Arabia, presented at the “Housed by choice, housed by force” in: G. Artopoulos, C. Hadjichristos & G. Cairns, (eds.), AMPS Conference Publication Series 5. Housed by Choice-Housed by Force – Homes Conflicts and Conflicting Interests. University of Cyprus; The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, 21 – 22 January (2016). pp.80-90, Editors. G. Artopoulos & C. Hadjichristos.  ISSN 2398-9467

Kyriazis A. et.al., The unknown city. Rethinking the role of the «akalyptos», at : #ThisIsACo_op, Catalog of the Greek Pavilion, Venice Biennale of Architecture 2016, Association of Greek Architects, Athens Greece (2016).

2015 and before

Kyriazis A., Planning without the planner; Intrusive patterns in city and urban planning, as highlighted at the Mesochora dam operation and village relocation case, at e-journaj Aeichoros (Texts of urban planning Digital magazine of the Department of urban Planning of the university of Thessaly), Issue 16, November 2011: http://www.aeihoros.gr/article/en/sxediasmos-erimin-tou-sxediasti-paremvatikes-praktikes-ston-poleodomiko-kai-astiko-sxediasmo

Kyriazis A., “Another lost chance”, at “Architects” journal, issue 63B, May-June 2007, (Athens, SADAS-PEA).

Kyriazis A., “Semi-public spaces, semi-responsible engineers”, at “Architects” journal, issue 78B, January-March 2010, (Athens, SADAS-PEA) and also at: http://www.greekarchitects.gr/index.php?maincat=1&newid=2402

Kyriazis A., Syntzanaki N., “Chania’s Municipal Market: an architectural approach”, at the monthly newspaper “Minima”, 38th issue, April 2005, Chania, Greece.

Articles at “Ktirio” Greek technical journal and Volos’ local newspapers concerning issues of urban design and architecture.


Funded Research Projects


Conference peer-reviewed Paper presentations